Learning Python as first programming language.
We first need to install python on computer if we do not have it yet.
I have python 2.7 and python 3.4 and I work on both of these.
For now I am working on python 2.7 and interesting thing about python is it is interactive language so whatever you tell it to do and if it understands it interacts back.
Here are screenshot of my module(used notepage to write it and saved it as .py file)
To run the .py file I opened terminal in my computer(command line) and used unix command cd Desktop(my .py is saved in Desktop) to go to Desktop then instruct the file to be opened in python by typing python hello.py(my .py file name)
I will do more with it so that I can learn to program.Guess you stay tuned.
I have also installed python editor for ease of use.